Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bethany Devotion VII

My seventh devotion (I think?) at Bethany Village in Mechanicsburg, PA.

John 6.35b “[Jesus said] whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.

Before I went to seminary this year, my mother gave me a plant. I don’t garden nor have I ever tended one, so I am not sure why she gave me this plant. It is a basil plant. I have it situated by a window so it gets plenty of light and warmth. Although I have never really kept a plant before, the plant seemed to be doing very well, its long green leaves reaching up towards the sun, the green a healthy and vibrant color. This past weekend I went home for a few days, and I forgot to water the plant. I came back to the seminary and saw that the once strong green leaves were now drooping, not just a little, but a lot. Some of the green had faded and some of the leaves began to turn brown around the edges. I had only not watered it for three days, and it was already drooping. I immediately gave the plant plenty of water, hoping that it was not too late to save the plant.

By the next day, after just watering the plant, the basil was already returning to it’s healthy self again. The color was restored to the leaves, the plant was once again reaching its viney tendrils towards the sun. The basil plant filled the air with its sweet aroma once more, its leaves growing in that sweet flavor that is so unique to basil.

Water is such an important part of life. It gives the world life. Growth. Nurture. The flooding of rivers gives rich nutrients to the soil. Rain brings growth to fields. Humans are composed of between sixty to seventy percent water, and if we do not drink enough liquid, we can feel parched, just like my basil plant, only to be refreshed the moment we drink more water.

Many of you I know read your bibles every day, and pray without ceasing. For the word of God is like water. It fills us up, gives us life, and opportunity for growth. Water is used in baptism, and along with the powerful words of the trinity, that water binds us to God forever. The great oceans are full of fish and whales and all sorts of creatures beyond imagination. Jesus said that whoever believes in him is never thirsty. Whoever lets the word of God fill them like water will never be the same again, but will be reborn. Let us continually drink from the living water that is the word of God, so that we may grow in faith and love, and so that we may let justice roll down like a mighty river and righteousness like a never ending stream.

I ended the devotion with Martin Luther's "Flood Prayer," and, of course, the Lord's Prayer.


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